Wednesday, June 26, 2013

White Flag

Richelle Titus

Can you see her
Wandering amidst
The dust,
The debris
Of her once simple life?
She used to be,
And unyielding.
She stood for all to see
A beacon
Of hope,
Of faith,
Of serenity.

Can you see the
Disillusions being
Shattered beyond recognition
At her surrender
To the tempest
The evil within?
Succumbing to
The doubt,
The lies.

Can you see her,
Settled there
And forgotten?
She is silently begging
For her own personal hell
To take her,
To stop the

Can you see her?
Daisies in her hands
They’re withering,
Her unattainable
White flags of truce.
Battle waging strong in,
Battered soul.
How can she stop?
Weakening under the force,
Of opinions,
Of perfection.

Can you see,
Her lost flag
Billowing in the wind?
How blind
Must you be
To say it’s only a trend.
We are losing her,
Pound by pound,
Inch by inch,
Tear by tear,
Her innocence
Has vanished.

Can you see her?
The girl
We used to know,
Who laughed,
Who loved
Who danced
The girl
We miss?
Can you find her?
 We lost her.

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