Thursday, October 4, 2012

Who are you?

Who are you?
Three simple three letter words, it should be the easiest question in the world, after all who knows you better than you? So let me ask you again...who are you?
It's harder than one might think to put yourself into words, to put the very essence of your being into black and white scribbles on a piece of paper or on the computer screen. Your likes, your dislikes, your fears, your scars, your greatest memories, they all make up who you are, but there is something that you can't define with words, the thing that makes you, you.
 Your heart.
 It may be an organ, or just a doodle on your page but it is what makes you unique. People might have the same likes, dislikes, fears, and so on but you can honestly say that no one in the universe has the same heart as you. Your heart is yours and yours alone.
So once again I ask you, who are you? Who is your Heart?
My heart is no one, and yet it is everyone. I am the girl nobody sees but everyone notices. I am the girls that isn't dumb but isn't smart. I am the girl in the corner and on the stage. I am the girl hating change but wanting to break free. I am happy with my body but still hate the reflection that stares back at me.
 I am the girl who is lost.
 Don't get me wrong I have a home, a loving family, a job, I have more than most, I am nothing special and maybe that's my problem. If I had some grand story maybe I wouldn't feel so bad about feeling like this.
I am lost, in my heart I know what I want to do, what I am meant to do, but I hear my parents telling me that I don't have the "right" kind of body for it, or I hear the countless people's influences telling me that I am nothing special. "your not bad, they say, your just not....'right'." they weren't talking about being right in class they were talking about being the "right fit" in the world.
So that's who I am...I am wrong, I am scared and I am not certain that I will ever be "right" but as I sit here trying to put myself into words, I realize it doesn't matter, for my heart is my heart, I can't get a new one and neither can you, so let me give you some advice, look in the mirror and ask the person staring back at you....
Who are you?... and find a way to be happy with the answer.


  1. Love this. I am in the process of writing a mission statement for my life, and I think this is a huge part of it. Who am I? and Who did i want to be? Love thinking about this!!!

  2. Thank you very much, I think everyone feels like this at times
